Monday, June 23, 2008

Dallas PBR

I'm sure S will want to blog on this event, too, as it bordered on the surreal, mostly in the best possible way.

How about I hit the highlights for me as a fan?

Chris Shivers and Mike White both won a go 'round, and both placed in the top five for the event.

Mike Lee won the event, which is cool, as he's a Texas boy

We had the best seats ever, right behind Adriano's wife, which meant we got lots of cowboy watching in

JW was there, and we got to see him

safety man James was there, and S got his autograph

Tater and Greg Potter up there pulling rope, Joe Baumgardner behind the chutes and looking healthy

Justin McBride back and riding

Mike White taking Camo in the draft

Flint was a little off his game on Saturday, but he came roaring back on Sunday, and made the best fun of Mike and Chris. I have no doubt he'll end up with icy hot in his shorts for that

We went to Guilherme Marchi's Rodeo Grill after the performance on Sunday, and that was a hoot. First off, the food is good. I've been to several Brazilian churrasciaras now, enough to know what good feiojada tastes like, and what I like in the way of grilled meat ;) We got there very early for our reservation, and everyone was very sweet while we waited at the bar. Guilherme came over to say hi, and there might have been squeaking. Of course, when we sat down, it was the man himself who brought us water, because all of the waiters were busy. He's a gracious and sweet man, which just makes me like him more. Of course, I left the place wearing a shot of chocolate liqueur all down my back, but that was an honest accident, and you should have heard us cackling about it in the bathroom while we washed out my shirt with the soda water they gave us... It was hilarious, and there is no bad in having 5 or 6 beautiful Brazilian men being very attentive and making sure you're not mad... Even if Adriano Moraes laughs hysterically at you...

I only have two complaints about the entire event, and I could be charitable and not mention them, but I have to get it out there somewhere, so I don't end up writing letters...

The hotel was kind of sucktastic. The staff were very nice, but it was overpriced, had so-so yet horrifically expensive food, and there was nowhere to buy a Coke after 10 pm but the bar or room service. It was obviously too dear for a lot of the cowboys and fans to stay more than one night, or even one night, too, so we didn't get the best part of staying at the event sanctioned hotel, which is mingling and watching... The beds were uncomfortable as hell, and sometime during the night both nights, they turned the air down on us on a global level. Now, if my room has to be hot? Make it during the day when I' m not there. I'm still enough of a high desert girl that I want it cold at night, so I can sleep

The second thing was Brian Canter. Now, I've been a fan since he came on tour. I thought he was a good rider, and a polite, quiet kid, worthy of respect.

Well, now. He may be able to ride, but I had the misfortune of listening to him talk to a "friend" on his cell phone while being stuck in the elevator with him and a few other of his cronies, while watching him spit tobacco juice on the elevator floor like some kind of moron whose momma never taught him any better. I've lived in North Carolina. I refuse to believe that's true. So that means it's willful and deliberate on his part, and just like his NC counterpart, JB Mauney, that means he's an asshat.

Too bad. I'm sure he doesn't care that he's lost me as a fan, as he was very deliberately trying to horrify us old, fat ladies with the pink hair (yes, I'm old enough that I know what teenagers think of me), but he not only pissed me off, he made me wonder what team Enterprise, who sponsors some of my favorite riders, would think of him being out there in uniform, representing them that way.

Shrugs. One way or the other, the good outweighs the bad by a long shot, and I'm sitting here watching the telecast and seeing us on TV! A lot!

Damn, that was a good event.